About Us

What's Up! My name is Cameron also known as "Cam" or "DC". I was born and raised in Charlotte North Carolina and have always had a passion for serving others. 
Omnithaca is a divinely inspired creation that derives from the Latin word omnis which means ALL. The prefix omni- means all, everywhere, or universally. This prefix is one of the only expressions that symbolizes and embodies Life and everything in it. Omni is the embodiment of unity, connection, and a bond that every living organism is capable of feeling. Omnithaca is a type of energy that can never be destroyed, stopped, or terminated. 
The second part "Ithaca" has its origins from the author named Homer who wrote the book called "The Odyssey" which deals with Greek Mythology, some may know it as the adventure of Ulysses as well. Odysseus is on an odyssey coming from the battle of Troy, which along the way he runs into numerous challenges, adversaries, and temptations. Odysseus has a wife and son which dwell in their hometown Ithaca, they miss him dearly and they impatiently wait for his return. Ithaca is more than just a place or home to Odysseus as he pushes through a chaotic 10 year journey, it represents a feeling of belonging, security, comfort, trust, connection, and identity. Beauty is a way for people to explore, cultivate, share, and connect their inner Ithaca with one another through the means of a diverse range of hair.


An Odyssey is defined as a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune. It could also mean an intellectual or spiritual wandering or quest. Life is very much an Odyssey for us, and throughout it we are faced with various types of obstacles, temptations, and battles. Experiencing challenging situations causes us to discover our true identity and what lies at the core of each human being. We also realize the unique beauty within our emotions, expressions, interactions, thoughts, and everyday lives which encourages us to become more of a personalized creator of what beauty is and the numerous ways we can share and evolve through it.